22DEGREE EYEWEAR 聯乘 橫山宏 (Kow Yokoyama) 全新系列 “pollutant”
靈感來自日本科幻軍事設計大師橫山宏 Kow Yokoyama的Maschinen Krieger ZbV3000”(簡稱Ma.K)故事.
擁有「科幻軍武模型傳奇」之名的 Ma.K故事舞台設定在29世紀因核戰爭而荒廢的地球,為了爭奪霸權“地球獨立政府傭兵軍”與“修特拉爾共和國軍”戰鬥故事的描寫。 其中最受 好評的作品,就是“地球獨立政府傭兵軍”所使用的“超級戰鬥裝甲”
(“Super Armord Fighting Suit”,簡稱S.A.F.S.)。
由於未來2885年9月所進行的大反攻作戰「強鎚行動(OPERATION SUPER HAMMER)」以失敗告終,傭兵軍為了能夠盡快消滅修特拉爾的衛 星,是大幅地強化、升級舊有的S.A.F.S.。
動力引擎全開噴火的姿態,加上氧氣瓶遭攻擊而爆發成為火球模樣,所以傭兵軍的士兵將此裝甲取名 為「火球」(FIREBALL)來自嘲。
Pazo Ho了解後被其故事啟發,代入故事未來地球時空,用逆向概念以各種環保物料手造工藝模擬各種受污染的物質創作出以眼鏡表達污染物之視覺美學,帶出訊息給觀賞者作出反思!
此次企劃全由Pazo Ho人手製作。
全球發行12套, 每套共三個款式並印有獨立編號,以作珍藏。
發售日期暫定: 1/10/2023
About 22DEGREE EYEWEAR 可持續發展係我哋品牌嘅首要目標。我哋主張尊重自然同放鬆嘅美學,同時亦尊重工藝,所有嘅產品都係手工製作,最終融入大自然之中。22 Degree Eyewear係一個實驗性眼鏡品牌,誕生地係北緯22.16-22.38度嘅地球(香港手工製作)。品牌係係香港開發、設計同生產。「非所有粗糙等於藝術」係我哋嘅口號。簡易回收程序:唔同於其他環保產品需要經歷繁複嘅流程去轉移、收集然後再回收,而只回收少量嘅材料,22°眼鏡幾乎可以整個回收。而且我哋嘅客戶可以直接將佢哋嘅眼鏡送返我哋嘅公司回收。
22DEGREE EYEWEAR X Kow Yokoyama project ‘Pollutant series’
Hong Kong's eco-friendly handmade eyewear brand, 22DEGREE EYEWEAR, led by Pazo Ho, has launched a new series called "Pollutant " inspired by the story of Maschinen Krieger ZbV3000 by Japanese model master Kow Yokoyama (aka Ma.K).
The Ma.K story, known as the "legend of sci-fi military models," is set in the 29th century on an Earth devastated by nuclear war. It tells the story of the battle for supremacy between the "Earth Independent Government Mercenary Army" and the "ZbV3000 Republican Army." The most popular work in the series is the "Super Armored Fighting Suit" (S.A.F.S.) used by the Earth Independent Government Mercenary Army.
In the failed "Operation Super Hammer" counterattack that took place in September 2885, the Mercenary Army upgraded their existing S.A.F.S. to quickly destroy ZbV3000's satellites. The soldiers named this armor "Fireball" in mockery because of its appearance with its power engine fully ignited and oxygen tanks exploding into a ball of fire.
Inspired by this story, Pazo created a series of eco-friendly eyewear that simulates various polluted substances using reverse concepts and handmade craftsmanship with various environmentally friendly materials. The series expresses the visual aesthetics of pollutants through eyewear, prompting viewers to reflect on the message it conveys in the context of a future polluted Earth.
The series is hand made by Pazo Ho.
12 sets will be globally released, each set containing three styles with unique serial numbers, intended for collectors."
About us
Sustainable is our brand's first priority. We advocate Nature and Casual Aesthetics, Respect the craftsmanship, therefore all of our products are made by hand and eventually everything is combined into nature. 22 Degree Eyewear - An Experimental eyewear brand that was born on earth at 22.16-22.38 degree Latitude North (hand made in Hong Kong). The brand is developed, designed and produced in Hong Kong.
‘‘The raw should not be Art’’ is our slogan.