The F21P design is float on water functional. screws free, electric plating free, nickel free, and welding free. The material is sustainable polymer with Titanium . The weight is 40% lighter than acetate.
Customized products, shipping time 1 to 2 weeks
49mm lens size
20mm bridge
145mm temples length
About us
Brand introduction
Sustainable is our brand's first priority. We advocate Nature and Casual Aesthetics, Respect the craftsmanship, therefore all of our products are made by hand and eventually everything is combined into nature.
22 Degree Eyewear - An Experimental eyewear brand that was born on earth at 22.16-22.38 degree Latitude North (hand made in Hong Kong). The brand is developed, designed and produced in Hong Kong.
‘‘The raw should not be Art’’ is our slogan.
Material: Ethylene Vinyl Acetate 、sustainable polymer and titanium.
Simple procedure of Recycle: Different from some other Eco-friendly products that need to go through so many complicated procedures to transfer, collect then recycle with only small percentage of the materials, the 22° eyewear is recyclable with almost the whole frame. Also our clients can simply and easily send their eyewear direct to our end for recycle.
Therefore the utilization of the Ethylene-vinyl Acetate and Titanium Material make 22° eyewear more sustainable and responsible.
22degree eyewear
可持續發展係我哋品牌嘅首要目標。我哋主張尊重自然同放鬆嘅美學,同時亦尊重工藝,所有嘅產品都係手工製作,最終融入大自然之中。22 Degree Eyewear係一個實驗性眼鏡品牌,誕生地係北緯22.16-22.38度嘅地球(香港手工製作)。品牌係係香港開發、設計同生產。