the S3 style, specifically designed for street basketball players in 2023
22degree eyewear 2023全新推出 (sports line) S series S3 style 街頭籃球專用型號, 為眼鏡人士配合籃球運動,將原有S series 原創作調鉸鏈優化至內藏ethylene Vinyl acetate物料之內, 利用EVA彈性卸力減低因強烈碰撞而折斷的可能,眼鏡鼻樑方面用上S Series 原創 EVA避免碰撞(食波餅)傳統眼鏡費托容易刮傷面部的可能,原裝眼鏡腿索繩一體化設計可以配合不同輪廓和因應不同場合而自行調校鬆緊。物料方面除了EVA還送用上了可持sustainable polymer 和 冇電鍍污染鈦金屬物料,附加驚喜功能落水能浮,除了籃球運動外水上活動亦能配合,成為全天候運動眼鏡款式!22degree Eyewear will launch a new product line, the S series, in 2023, specifically designed for street basketball enthusiasts. The S3 style of the sports line is optimized with an EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) material that is incorporated internally to reduce the risk of breakage due to intense impacts. The original S series hinge design is also improved with EVA to prevent traditional nose pads from scratching the face during collisions. The original leg and cord design of the glasses can be adjusted to fit different face shapes and accommodate different occasions. In addition to EVA, sustainable polymers and titanium metals without electroplating pollution are also used in the production process. The glasses also come with a surprising feature that they can float when dropped in water, making them suitable for water sports as well as basketball, and a perfect choice for sports eyewear that can be worn all day long. @22degree_eyewear @22.optical @22degree_eyewear_official @pazo_ho_design #pazo_ho_design #22degree_eyewear_official #22degree_eyewear #22_optical_showroom